This script is kindly provided by John Fournier of South Carolina Educational Television. and is a modification of the other ColdFusion server-side processing script that is available to be more concise through the use of the cfscript tag.
/* Script: DataTables server-side script for ColdFusion (short script style) and MySQL License: GPL v2 or BSD (3-point) ReWrite: 12/12/2011 John Fournier Notes: Adobe ColdFusion 9 + limited inline documentation used, see other long examples for explanation */ datasource = 'jQueryDTable'; // set to your ColdFusion database sTable = 'ajax'; // your table aColumns = ['engine','browser','platform','version','grade']; // your columns iColumnsLen = ArrayLen(aColumns); sIndexColumn = 'id'; param name='URL.sEcho' default='' type='string'; param name='URL.iDisplayStart' default='0' type='string'; //could be type integer, we'll force integer anyway in next step param name='URL.iDisplayLength' default='10' type='string'; param name='URL.sSearch' default='' type='string'; param name='URL.iSortCol_0' default='0' type='string'; // 0 indexed sort column number param name='URL.sSortDir_0' default='asc' type='string'; iDisplayStart = Int(Val(URL.iDisplayStart)); iDisplayLength = Int(Val(URL.iDisplayLength)); sSearch = Trim(URL.sSearch); iSortCol_0 = Int(Val(URL.iSortCol_0)); iSortCol_0 = (iSortCol_0 GTE iColumnsLen) ? 0 : iSortCol_0; // sort column must be less than column count sSortDir_0 = (LCase(URL.sSortDir_0) EQ 'asc')? 'asc' : 'desc'; sWhere = ''; if (sSearch NEQ '') { sWhere = 'WHERE ('; for (i=1; i<= iColumnsLen; i++) { sWhere &= "#aColumns[i]# LIKE '%#sSearch#'"; sWhere &= (i LT iColumnsLen) ? ' OR ' : ''; } sWhere &= ')'; } sOrder = (iSortCol_0 NEQ 0) ? 'ORDER BY #aColumns[iSortCol_0 + 1]# #sSortDir_0#' : ''; sLimit = (iDisplayLength NEQ 0) ? 'LIMIT #iDisplayStart#,#iDisplayLength#' : ''; q = new Query(); q.setdatasource(datasource); q.setsql("SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS #ArrayToList(aColumns)# FROM #sTable# #sWhere# #sOrder# #sLimit#"); qResult = q.execute().getresult(); q.setsql("SELECT FOUND_ROWS() AS Total"); qCount = q.execute().getresult(); savecontent variable="aaData" { for (i=1; i <= qResult.RecordCount; i++) { writeOutput('['); for (col=1; col <= iColumnsLen; col++) { // the following line contains a conditional specific to this example writeOutput((aColumns[col] EQ 'version') ? '"-"' : '"#jsStringFormat(qResult[aColumns[col]][i])#"'); writeOutput((col NEQ iColumnsLen) ? ',' : ''); } writeOutput(']'); writeOutput((i NEQ qResult.RecordCount) ? ',' : ''); } }; writeOutput('{ "sEcho": #Int(Val(URL.sEcho))#, "iTotalRecords":, "iTotalDisplayRecords": #qResult.recordCount#, "iTotalRecords":, "aaData": [#aaData#] }');