DataTables logo DataTables

This site contains the legacy documentation for DataTables v1.9 and earlier for reference only.
DataTables 1.9 was End Of Life in 2014. Do not use it for new work.
The current release of DataTables can always be found on

Server-side processing | PHP with MongoDB

Important - Do not use this script for new development - it will not work! It is no longer maintained and does not support DataTables 1.10+'s server-side processing mode. This page is retained only for legacy users and it will likely be removed in the near future.

MongoDB is a popular NoSQL database solution and PHP has a native driver available to interface with MongoDB. Kari Söderholm, aka Haprog, has created this script to built a DataTables server-side processing script upon this interface, allowing DataTables to directly consume data from a MongoDB server.

Feature set


 * Script:    DataTables server-side script for PHP 5.2+ and MongoDB
 * Copyright: 2012 - Kari Söderholm, aka Haprog
 * License:   GPL v2 or BSD (3-point)
 * By default Mongo documents are returned as is like they are stored in the
 * database. You can define which fields to return by overriding the empty
 * $fields array a few rows below.
 * Because MongoDB documents can naturally contain nested data, this script
 * assumes (requires) that you use mDataProp in DataTables to define which
 * fields to display.

$database   = 'mydatabase';
$collection = 'mycollection';

 * MongoDB connection
try {
	$m = new Mongo();
} catch (MongoConnectionException $e) {
	die('Error connecting to MongoDB server');

$m_collection = $m->$database->$collection;

 * Define the document fields to return to DataTables (as in
 * If empty, the whole document will be returned.
$fields = array();

// Input method (use $_GET, $_POST or $_REQUEST)
$input =& $_GET;

 * Handle requested DataProps

// Number of columns being displayed (useful for getting individual column search info)
$iColumns = $input['iColumns'];

// Get mDataProp values assigned for each table column
$dataProps = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < $iColumns; $i++) {
	$var = 'mDataProp_'.$i;
	if (!empty($input[$var]) && $input[$var] != 'null') {
		$dataProps[$i] = $input[$var];

 * Filtering
 * NOTE this does not match the built-in DataTables filtering which does it
 * word by word on any field. It's possible to do here, but concerned about efficiency
 * on very large collections.
$searchTermsAny = array();
$searchTermsAll = array();

if ( !empty($input['sSearch']) ) {
	$sSearch = $input['sSearch'];
	for ( $i=0 ; $i < $iColumns ; $i++ ) {
		if ($input['bSearchable_'.$i] == 'true') {
			if ($input['bRegex'] == 'true') {
				$sRegex = str_replace('/', '\/', $sSearch);
			} else {
				$sRegex = preg_quote($sSearch, '/');
			$searchTermsAny[] = array(
				$dataProps[$i] => new MongoRegex( '/'.$sRegex.'/i' )

// Individual column filtering
for ( $i=0 ; $i < $iColumns ; $i++ ) {
	if ( $input['bSearchable_'.$i] == 'true' && $input['sSearch_'.$i] != '' ) {
		if ($input['bRegex_'.$i] == 'true') {
			$sRegex = str_replace('/', '\/', $input['sSearch_'.$i]);
		} else {
			$sRegex = preg_quote($input['sSearch_'.$i], '/');
		$searchTermsAll[ $dataProps[$i] ] = new MongoRegex( '/'.$sRegex.'/i' );

$searchTerms = $searchTermsAll;
if (!empty($searchTermsAny)) {
	$searchTerms['$or'] = $searchTermsAny;

$cursor = $m_collection->find($searchTerms, $fields);

 * Paging
if ( isset( $input['iDisplayStart'] ) && $input['iDisplayLength'] != '-1' ) {
	$cursor->limit( $input['iDisplayLength'] )->skip( $input['iDisplayStart'] );

 * Ordering
if ( isset($input['iSortCol_0']) ) {
	$sort_fields = array();
	for ( $i=0 ; $i<intval( $input['iSortingCols'] ) ; $i++ ) {
		if ( $input[ 'bSortable_'.intval($input['iSortCol_'.$i]) ] == 'true' ) {
			$field = $dataProps[ intval( $input['iSortCol_'.$i] ) ];
			$order = ( $input['sSortDir_'.$i]=='desc' ? -1 : 1 );
			$sort_fields[$field] = $order;

 * Output
$output = array(
	"sEcho" => intval($input['sEcho']),
	"iTotalRecords" => $m_collection->count(),
	"iTotalDisplayRecords" => $cursor->count(),
	"aaData" => array(),

foreach ( $cursor as $doc ) {
	$output['aaData'][] = $doc;

echo json_encode( $output );