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This site contains the legacy documentation for DataTables v1.9 and earlier for reference only.
DataTables 1.9 was End Of Life in 2014. Do not use it for new work.
The current release of DataTables can always be found on
DataTables table sorting example


With DataTables you can alter the sorting characteristics of the table at initialisation time. Using the aaSorting initialisation parameter, you can get the table exactly how you want to present the information. The aaSorting parameter is an array of arrays where the first value is the column to sort on, and the second is 'asc' or 'desc' as required (it is a double array for multi-column sorting). The table below is sorted (descending) by the CSS grade. Note also that the 'Engine version' column is automatically detected as a numeric column and sorted accordingly. Finally, also note that "asSorting" has been defined for the column in question for this example. The reason for this is that DataTables uses ["asc","desc"] for sorting order by default, but we would in this case prefer "desc" to be given first priority.

Live example

Rendering engineBrowserPlatform(s)Engine versionCSS grade
Rendering engineBrowserPlatform(s)Engine versionCSS grade
Trident Internet Explorer 4.0 Win 95+ 4 X
Tasman Internet Explorer 4.5 Mac OS 8-9 - X
Misc Dillo 0.8 Embedded devices - X
Misc Links Text only - X
Misc Lynx Text only - X
Other browsers All others - - U
Presto Nintendo DS browser Nintendo DS 8.5 C/A1
Trident Internet Explorer 5.0 Win 95+ 5 C
KHTML Konqureror 3.1 KDE 3.1 3.1 C
Tasman Internet Explorer 5.1 Mac OS 7.6-9 1 C
Showing 1 to 10 of 57 entries

Initialisation code

$(document).ready(function() {
    $('#example').dataTable( {
        "aaSorting": [[ 4, "desc" ]]
    } );
} );

Other examples